Saint Luke's Newsroom

Oct. 15, 2016

FOX4: How Genomics Testing helps cancer patients

Genomic Testing can help determine if a cancer patients really needs chemotherapy. 

Oct. 15, 2016

Mother of two, singer of hymns, breast cancer patient

The 37-year-old Chillicothe wife and mother had two active teen boys, a full-time job, and had recently returned to college for to earn dual majors in business administration and organizational leadership. Then one day she felt a lump in her breast.
Oct. 10, 2016

New mother, former Chiefs cheerleader, breast cancer patient

The statistic is sobering: One in eight women will develop breast cancer in her lifetime. Brandy Reed was a newlywed and a new mom to 4-month-old Jackson when her life took a completely unexpected turn.
Oct. 6, 2016

Some Nerve, Radio Frequency Technology Gives Wellington Woman Relief From Intractable Pain

For three years, Linda Braxdale endured throbbing pain in her lower back and down her left leg. The pain and frustration often left her feeling helpless and defeated—and reduced to tears.
Oct. 5, 2016

Retired science teacher, cup-half-full seeker, breast cancer patient

The statistic is sobering: One in eight women will develop breast cancer in her lifetime. Ruby Walker was 47 years old when a doctor discovered a lump during a wellness exam.
Sep. 24, 2016

Kansas City Star: Saint Luke’s enters the micro hospital business

Micro-hospitals are just what they sound like: smaller versions of full-service hospitals that include beds for admissions, trauma care, diagnostics and other services.
Sep. 9, 2016

FOX4: More people eating gluten-free, but should you eat gluten-free products?

A new report in JAMA Internal Medicine finds the number of followers of a gluten-free diet is rising.

Sep. 8, 2016

Dogs On Call: Canines Bring Comfort and Joy to Saint Luke’s Hospice House

An Australian shepherd/boxer mix, Molly is one of the pet therapy pooches that—along with her human, Alexis Martin—elevate spirits around Saint Luke’s Hospice House.