Wright Memorial Hospital achieves high score in customer satisfaction

TRENTON, Mo. — The staff at Wright Memorial Hospital recently achieved a mark of excellence in patient satisfaction for inpatients by scoring in the 99th percentile nationally in a survey conducted by Hospital Care Quality Information from the Consumer Perspective (HCAHPS).

“We are extremely proud of the hard work and dedication our employees are showing,” said Tina Capeder, director, Customer and Facility Services. “Customer satisfaction is important for Wright Memorial Hospital, and these scores prove that our employees are focused on giving the best care possible.”

The intent of the HCAHPS initiative is to provide a standardized survey instrument and data collection methodology for measuring patients' perspectives on hospital care. Health care facilities across the nation are scored quarterly in eight categories: communication with doctors, communication with nurses, responsiveness of hospital staff, pain management, communication about medicines, discharge information, cleanliness of the hospital environment, and quietness of the hospital environment. This information is then used to help hospitals identify areas that need improvement, as well as areas that are operating at or above national standards.