Neck Exercises: Neck Flex

To start, sit in a chair with your feet flat on the floor. Your weight should be slightly forward so that you’re balanced evenly on your buttocks. Relax your shoulders and keep your head level. Don't arch your back or round your shoulders. Using a chair with arms may help you keep your balance:

  • If you are able, rest the back of your left hand against your lower back. Place your right palm on the top of your head.

  • Gently pull your head forward and down until you feel a stretch in the muscles in the back of your neck. Don’t force the motion.

  • Hold for 20 seconds, then return to starting position. Switch arms.

  • Repeat 5 to 10 times.

Note: Follow any special instructions you are given. If you feel pain, stop the exercise. If the pain continues after stopping, call your healthcare provider.

Woman sitting in chair with hands on knees. Woman sitting on chair with one hand behind back and the other on top of head, pulling it forward.