Broadway World: Mother's Day Pipe Organ Concert Honors Julia Irene Kauffman

In celebration of the Saint Luke's Muriel I. Kauffman Women's Heart Center's 25th anniversary, a large turnout of about 1,000 people attended a free pipe organ concert on Mother's Day.

Saint Luke's partnered with the Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts to present "Music from the Heart" played by organist Jan Kraybill.  

Before the performance, Saint Luke's Health System's President and CEO Melinda Estes, MD, and Tracy Stevens, MD, the medical director for the Women's Heart Center, presented Julia Irene Kauffman with the Visionary award for her contributions to the center's success.

"To our Saint Luke's team, Julia is one of us," Dr. Estes said. "She is an honorary member and a loyal friend. And that's why it has been our honor to share her family name with ours for the past 15 years. She helped us turn a dream-to improve women's heart health on a massive scale-into a reality."

Read the full Broadway World article.

Jay Kraybill playing the pipe organ

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