Saint Luke's Newsroom

Apr. 20, 2011

Ablation Treats Atrial Fibrillation

David Hartzler was the epitome of health, then he noticed that he fatigued easily. His wife suggested he see a doctor. That changed everything.
Oct. 22, 2010

Critical Care Team saves Emphysema Patient

Wherever Vicki Hay went, Charlie went, too. To the grocery store, out with her husband, in her car. Charlie was the name Hay's grandchildren assigned to the oxygen tank.
Dec. 20, 2009

Heart Valve Replacement without Invasive Surgery

Rosemary stopped her regular walk to Loose Park to admire the roses. Taking more than 20 steps robbed her of breath and tightened her chest with pain.
Oct. 21, 2008

Giving while Living: A kidney donor’s story

For Christmas a couple of years ago, Lewis Merrill got a surprise gift from someone he’d never met. Although it was unexpected, he had wished for it and hoped for it for three years.
Sep. 20, 2008

Heart Failure Leads to Successful Heart Transplant

When it comes to local politics, Phillip Duncan knows how to win hearts.