Stress levels are higher than pre-pandemic levels. We talk about how your body processes stress, how stress can impact your heart, and what people should be mindful of during stressful times.
This week we talk about the new Kansas City Adult Congenital Heart Disease Program - a collaboration between Saint Luke’s Mid America Heart Institute and The Ward Family Heart Center at Children’s Mercy Kansas City.
Some cancer treatments, like chemotherapy, can cause damage to the heart muscle. There is a new specialty focused on this area--and Saint Luke’s offers one of only nine certified programs in the country.
This week, we are talking to Dr. Abigail McEwan, an ENT with Saint Luke’s Health System, about what to do if you have symptoms and the most common issues ENT specialists are seeing this winter.
This week we are talking about the importance of cervical cancer screenings, HPV vaccines, and treatment options for those diagnosed at various stages.
We are a faith-based hospital for all faiths—or no faith at all—and we welcome and provide care to patients from a variety of faith backgrounds and spiritual practices.