The Stone family lives in Bucyrus, Kansas, but their daughter Kaylin’s surgeon who specializes in facial palsy is in St. Louis, Missouri. The family has had to drive to St. Louis, stay in a hotel, and then make it to morning appointments. But then a new opportunity and Saint Luke’s entered the picture for Kaylin's checkups, changing everything.

With telemedicine conferences for checkups instead of making a physical trip, the family saved hours and money.

Telemedicine—or eHealth—is gaining ground in the medical community and is increasing in popularity among many patients like the Stone family.

435 Magazine recently featured Saint Luke’s in an article about telemedicine called, "What is Telemedicine and Why is it On the Rise?"

“We really see it as a way to deliver care where it’s needed, provide patients access, and allow our physicians to stay in clinic versus driving two hours on the road up and two hours on the road back,” said Steve Kropp, MS, Saint Luke's Health System Director Virtual Health, in the article.

Telemedicine at SLHS

Telemedicine plays a large role at Saint Luke's Health System and within the communities the System serves.

In addition, Saint Luke’s 24/7 provides convenient access to care for conditions including sinusitis, cough, upper respiratory infection, pinkeye, bumps and scrapes, and more.

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