Insurance accepted at Saint Luke’s Surgery Center Shoal Creek
Medicare accepted at Saint Luke’s Surgery Center Shoal Creek
Saint Luke’s Surgery Center Shoal Creek accepts traditional Medicare and Medicaid and many managed Medicare plans. Please contact the Saint Luke’s Health System Medicare Insurance toll-free HelpLine at 866-261-5915 if you have questions about your Medicare options.
View accepted managed Medicare plans
Accepted insurance plans
Here are the health plans Saint Luke’s Surgery Center Shoal Creek currently accepts. Because this list does change, please verify that your doctor accepts your insurance plan when you make your first appointment.
- Aetna (excluding National General STM plan, I-35 Preferred Plan, and HCA, Advent Health, and NKC Hospital employee plans)
- National Plans
- Aetna Select HMO
- Aetna Choice POS II
- Aetna HMO
- Aetna Missouri Preferred HMO, POS, PPO
- Aetna Signature Administrators (ASA) HMO, POS, PPO
- Federal Employees Health Benefits Plan HMO
- Local Plans
- Aetna Care Link-Kansas City Exchange
- Aetna Select Local HMO
- Aetna Choice POS II Aexcel Local POS
- Aetna Choice POS II Local POS
- Aetna Elect Choice POS
- Aetna HMO Local HMO
- Aetna Managed Choice POS
- Aetna Open Choice PPO
- Other Plans
- First Health Network
- Workers’ Compensation
- National Plans
- American Healthcare Alliance, LLC PPO
- Blue Cross Blue Shield Association
- Pathway X (Anthem)
- Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas
- Blue Choice Preferred Care Blue PPO
- Federal
- Traditional
- Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas City
- Blue Access (Anthem-St. Louis through Blue Card)
- Blue High Performance Network HPN
- BlueSelect Plus – University of Central Missouri EPO
- BlueSelect Plus Custom Network – City of Kansas City, Missouri, Employees EPO
- Federal PPO
- Freedom Network PPO
- Freedom Network Select PPO
- HealthLink PPO
- Preferred Care Blue PPO
- Preferred Care PPO
- Traditional
- Cigna
- Cigna HMO
- Cigna Open Access Plus
- Cigna PPO
- Cigna National POS Open Access
- CompResults PPO
- CorVel Corporation (CorCare) PPO
- Devoted Health Medicare Advantage
- Ford Motor Company, KC Assembly Plant (Work Comp)
- Health Choice of Northwest Missouri PPO
- HealthSCOPE Benefits (Orscheln Industries)
- Humana
- Humana PPO
- Humana PPOx
- Humana Preferred PPO
- HumanaOne PPO
- ChoiceCare (Humana) PPO
- National POS-Open Access Plans POS & OAP
- SmartSuite PPO
- SmartExpress PPO
- SmartNet PPO
- Integrated Health Plan PPO
- Medica Connect Exchange
- Medica Select Exchange
- MultiPlan PPO (Excluding practitioner only plans)
- Occupational Health Management PPO
- OHARA Managed Care PPO
- Private Healthcare Systems PPO (Excluding practitioner only plans)
- ProviDRS Care Network (formerly WPPA, Inc.) PPO
- TriWest
- United Healthcare
- All Savers Insurance Company (ASIC)
- Choice HMO
- Choice Plus POS
- Core and Core Essential
- Definity Health Reimbursement Account POS
- Definity Health Savings Account POS
- Golden Rule HMO & PPO
- Indemnity
- Individual Exchange Benefit Plan (MO and KS plans only)
- Managed Indemnity
- Options PPO
- Select HMO
- Select Plus POS
- Surest
- Worker’s Compensation