The Anderson County Hospital Auxiliary has made a big impact with recent gifts dispersed to support three separate projects.
A gift of $1,000 to Anderson County EMS allowed the department to not only replace but upgrade several emergency response bags. The bags contain various diagnostic and treatment supplies and are taken to every single call for service.

"Within just a few days of receiving the new bags, we put them into service, and they were utilized during an emergency medical response to a structure fire," shared EMS director Troy Armstrong. “The new bags are large and have a lot of pockets to keep all our critical supplies organized and easy to locate. They’re also resilient against heat and weather extremes, have a potent microbiological shield, and are chemical and oil resistant. That’s important when we’re responding to an emergency and need to move quickly.” 

Earlier this summer, the auxiliary replaced six patio umbrellas that had become faded or damaged. The new umbrellas, purchased for a total cost of $850, spruced up the outdoor dining area and have provided welcomed shade for hospital staff, visitors, and patients.

Another $1,000 went to the Anderson County Hospital Foundation which also works to enhance the facilities, medical programs, and the communities served by Anderson County Hospital.

Funds raised by the auxiliary are distributed as contributions to the hospital and through the auxiliary’s scholarship program. Volunteers raise funds by hosting special one-day and catalog sales events, selling baked goods and poinsettias seasonally, and through the new Memory Tree project. 

In addition to fundraising, volunteers serve at reception desks in the hospital’s patient waiting areas, support staff and residents in the long-term care community, help with holiday decorating, and assist with tasks in other departments as requested. Several members have also taken on state-level leadership roles with the Hospital Volunteers of Kansas. 

"The auxiliary volunteers provide such an important service to the hospital and the entire community. We just can't thank them enough," concluded Armstrong.

Pictured from left: Advanced EMT Alex Dennison, Paramedic Joshua Buffington, Barbara Katzer, Ruth Theis, Paramedic Kevin Welch, Tammy Ramsey, Joen Truhe, Mike Norman, Helen Norman, EMS Director Troy Armstrong, and Nancy Horn. Anderson County Hospital Auxiliary officers for 2024 are Kathy Norris, President; Shari Friesen, Vice-President; Cindy Hamilton, Secretary; and Joen Truhe, Treasurer. 

The current membership includes around 30 active volunteers, and new members are always welcome to join. To learn more, contact any auxiliary member, stop by the volunteer desk in the hospital’s main lobby or call 785-448-3131.