KSHB: Business owners, health experts react to Lake of Ozarks viral video

A video going viral of Memorial Day weekend at Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri of party-goers not practicing social distancing and gathering in very large crowds. 

"When I saw it was in Missouri, my heart sank a little bit and I thought, 'Oh, no!'” Dr. Sarah Boyd, an infectious disease physician at Saint Luke's Health System, said.

KSHB talked with local businesses at the Lake of the Ozarks as well as local health experts. 

Health experts see large gatherings as a concern as phased reopenings are underway. They said activities seen in videos from the Lake of the Ozarks are risky, even if you're healthy.

"Those large groups with strangers, you may never have contact with someone again and know if they get symptoms in a couple of days,” said Dr. Boyd. “Those things all just increase that risk of spread to other parts of our communities.”

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