Saint Luke's offers outpatient cardiac rehabilitation, a comprehensive, medically supervised program that includes all components necessary for a full recovery from a cardiac hospitalization. It begins after discharge and continues through the first several months of recovery. Our services include: 

  • Monitored exercise classes
  • Individualized exercise guidelines
  • Regular educational programs
  • Dietary assessment and consultation
  • Stress management education
  • Risk factor assessment and counseling

By helping you modify risk factors, we can reduce your chances of future cardiac hospitalizations and procedures. Recent studies have found that patients can reduce their mortality by almost 50 percent by completing a three-month cardiac rehab course.

Most cardiologists recommend that you participate in outpatient cardiac rehabilitation if you’ve had a heart attack, heart surgery, angioplasty and stents, transplantation, or other heart problems.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is required to participate in cardiac rehab?

  • A heart disease diagnosis
  • Risk factors for heart disease
  • A physician referral

How soon can I start?
Patients who have had heart attacks or surgeries often join cardiac rehab two to three weeks after hospital discharge. Those who have had angioplasty or received stents can join sooner. The first step to enrollment is attending an orientation session.

How many sessions are included?
Classes meet three times a week for 60 to 75 minutes. Most insurance companies allow up to 36 sessions, but we’ll check with your insurance company to determine the exact number of sessions allowed. The length of your program may range from several weeks to three months, depending on your needs. While we feel confident that a longer program offers the most benefit, you’re free to choose how long you participate. You, or your insurance company, will be charged only for the sessions you attend.

Who staffs the program?

  • Cardiac nurses
  • Exercise specialists
  • Physical therapists
  • Registered dietitians

Our health care experts are always available to answer questions and ensure that your program is progressing smoothly.

What are the advantages of cardiac rehab?
Most people understand that it’s important to make lifestyle changes to lower the risk of future health problems. Having a team who will guide you through your early recovery takes the guesswork out of the process. In fact, you might discover that in spite of a cardiac procedure, your return to an active lifestyle occurs with few, if any, limitations. It’s common for participants to say that they feel better than they have in years.

Advantages of a structured program include:

  • An individualized approach
  • Accurate, science-based information
  • Group support
  • Increased confidence
  • Help in prioritizing risk factors
  • A sense of regaining control of your life
  • Monitoring by experienced professionals

Is cardiac rehab covered by insurance?
Most insurance companies cover most if not all of the costs of cardiac rehabilitation. A staff member will contact your company prior to your joining to verify your benefits. The hospital will bill your insurance company directly.

In the event that your insurance does not cover the program or you have high deductibles or copays, we provide an affordable self-pay, one-month program that includes all the fundamentals.

What happens after I complete the program?
Lifestyle changes are a lifetime process. Cardiac rehab provides a start and all the information needed for you to be successful. However, sticking with an exercise program, smoking cessation, or healthy eating can be challenging to maintain.

Most of our programs provide long-term, affordable options for those who wish to stay enrolled. Ongoing support and encouragement increases your chances of maintaining those changes you may have mastered in your early recovery.