Seated Hamstring Curl (Strength)
Tie the ends of an elastic exercise band or tubing into a large, strong knot. Close the door on the elastic band, so the knot is on one side and the loop of the band is on the other. The elastic band should be close to the floor. You should be on the side of the door with the loop.
Sit in a chair facing the closed door. Slip the loop of the elastic exercise band around the heel of your leg.
Slowly pull the elastic band backward along the floor with your heel. Stop when you can’t pull it any farther. Hold in place for
10 seconds, or as advised. Slowly return your leg to the starting position.Switch sides and repeat, if advised.
5 to 10 times, or as advised.
Safety tip: Take it slowly. If you do too much too soon, you can create new knee problems, or reinjure your knee.