In-Home Counseling Services
Evidence-based therapy and support for children and their families in their home environment.
Saint Luke’s Hospital of Kansas City Crittenton Children’s Center's in-home behavioral health services are designed to give young people the care they need in the comfort of the home. Alternatively, this program can assist a child who is transitioning back into the home after a hospital or residential stay.
Master’s-level therapists, psychiatrists, a chemical dependency counselor, and a clinical case manager work with the child and family to strengthen relationships and address behavioral and emotional concerns. Interventions are culturally sensitive to the values of the family’s community.
The therapists work with the family to help develop and sustain safe, stable, and nurturing home environments. To this end, specific interventions can include individual family therapy, conflict avoidance counseling, crisis support and family safety plans, as well as assistance in securing basic needs such as food, housing, and medical care.
To learn more or discuss a referral for in-home services, call 816-765-6600.