BCR-ABL 1 kinase domain
Gleevec Resistance Mutation Analysis
Imatinib Mesylate Resistance Analysis
TKI mutation analysis
Performing Lab:
Referral Laboratory
Container Type:
Lavender top (EDTA), green top (sodium heparin), or yellow top (ACD) tube
Specimen Type:
Whole blood OR bone marrow
Preferred Volume:
3 to 5 mL blood OR 1 to 2 mL bone marrow
Minimum Volume:
3 mL whole blood OR 1 mL bone marrow
Collection Procedure:
Submit at room temperature. Specimens should arrive in the performing laboratory within 48 hours of collection.
Store and Transport:
Room Temperature. If stored prior to shipment refrigerate.
Unacceptable Condition:
Specimen more than 48 hours old; clotted blood, grossly hemolyzed specimen.
CPT Codes:
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)/ direct sequencing; capillary electrophoresis
This assay does not detect mutations in the e1a2 transcript.