IDH1 and IDH2 Mutation Analysis
Performing Lab:
Referral Laboratory
Required Patient Info:
Include Surgical Pathology report if sending to LabCorp.
Container Type:
Lavender top (EDTA) tube or Green top Sodium Heparin or Yellow ACD
Specimen Type:
Whole blood or Bone Marrow
Preferred Volume:
LabCorp: 3-5 mL whole blood; 1-2 mL bone marrow
Mayo: 4 mL whole blood; 2 mL bone marrow
Mayo: 4 mL whole blood; 2 mL bone marrow
Alternate Specimens:
LabCorp: Paraffin block-Tissue block or 4 unstained 5-micron thick slides (Minimum: 3 unstained 5-micron thick slides)
Minimum Volume:
LabCorp: 3 mL whole blood; 1 mL bone marrow
Mayo: 4 mL whole blood; 2 mL bone marrow (can share tube with other testing done at Mayo)
Mayo: 4 mL whole blood; 2 mL bone marrow (can share tube with other testing done at Mayo)
Specimen Processing:
This testing is usually requested on Bone Marrow samples. Due to limited available sample, it may be necessary to determine performing lab based on other requested testing and where that other testing is performed. Do not aliquot samples--both LabCorp and Mayo require the original tube.
Store and Transport:
Refrigerated (blood or bone marrow); Room Temperature (tissue blocks)
Mayo: Refrigerated: 14 days ; Ambient: 7 days
LabCorp: No stability requirements provided.
Unacceptable Condition:
No tumor in tissue.
CPT Codes:
81120, 81121
LabCorp: SNaPshot Multiplex PCR
Mayo: Droplet digital PCR (Bio-Rad QX200)
Mayo: Droplet digital PCR (Bio-Rad QX200)
Clinical Significance:
For patients with AML or gliomas.