Saint Luke's Koontz Center for Advance Breast Cancer opens and Medical Oncologist Dr. Timothy Pluard believes the center will eventually set new standards for care for women with metastatic cancer.

The Koontz Center offers comprehensive care including nutrition, exercise, acupuncture, behavioral health, massage, yoga, and spiritual support.

"They work, they have families, they carry on normal lives, and our goal is to really support and enhance that so that they can continue to do so," said Dr. Pluard.

Watch three patient stories about how Saint Luke's Koontz Center for Advanced Breast Cancer will help them in their treatment for years to come. 

Vicki has lived with stage 4 breast cancer for 25 years. See her story on FOX4. 


Lori, a 16 year survivor, found out her cancer had spread to her liver and lymph nodes. Hear why Lori is excited about the treatment offered at Saint Luke's Koontz Center for Advanced Breast Cancer. Watch her story on how the Koontz Center is helping her on KMBC. 


Peggy is in remission but Dr. Pluard is helping keep an eye on her health to make sure it doesn't come back. Hear Peggy's story on KSHB.


Read more about the Koontz Center in The Kansas City Business Journal article here.

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Saint Luke’s Cancer Institute opens the Saint Luke’s Koontz Center for Advanced Breast Cancer, which will provide highly specialized, individualized treatment exclusively for women with metastatic or advanced breast cancer.

Timothy J Pluard, MD

Oncology / Hematology