Plasma Free Hemoglobin - Study Patients Only

EPIC Test Procedure Code: LAB3288

Performing Lab:
Referral Laboratory
Patient Preparation:

The patient should not exercise just prior to the venipuncture.

Container Type:
Green top (heparin) tube
Specimen Type:


Preferred Volume:
1 mL
Minimum Volume:
0.1 mL
Specimen Processing:

Centrifuge and separate the plasma from the cells immediately following collection.

Store and Transport:

Frozen - 6 days
Refrigerated - 6 days
Room temperature - 6 days

Unacceptable Condition:

Hemolyzed, very icteric or lipemic specimens will be rejected.
Non-heparinized plasma samples will be rejected.

CPT Codes:

83051 - Hemoglobin Plasma Free - RUO (EAP 30020934)


Based on the catalytic action of hemoglobin on the oxidation of TMB by hydrogen peroxide; rate measured by spectrophotometry
Reference Ranges:

<5 mg/dL (if conditions are optimal). Values obtained between 5-15 mg/dL should be interpreted with caution since such variables as suboptimal venipuncture may increase results to this range.


Research Use Only

Lab Personnel

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