Dr. Karin Olds, neurologist and stroke medical director at Saint Luke's Marion Bloch Neuroscience Institute, spoke to FOX4 about how important it is to seek emergency medical care if you are experiencing stroke symptoms, even during a pandemic.

“We haven’t seen people seeking medical care for true emergencies,” said Dr. Karin Old, a neurologist at Saint Luke’s. “We’ve had folks come in with stroke symptoms that clearly tell us they have had their stroke symptoms for a day or two days or even three days and they were reluctant to come in and reluctant to be exposed to COVID-19.”

Know the signs of a stroke and don't delay medical treatment, so BE FAST:

  • B - balance, sudden loss of coordination
  • E - eyesight, flashes or sudden loss of vision
  • F - face, look for the droop on one side
  • A - arms, hold both out - does one drift down?
  • S - speech, slurring or speaking incoherently
  • T - time to call 9-1-1

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