Kansas City Star: Should you gather for Christmas? How Kansas City area doctors handle their holidays

The Kansas City Star asked Ginny Boos, PhD, Director of Infection Prevention at Saint Luke's Health System, and other top health professionals in the area how they are keeping their families safe this holiday season, especially with omicron, the highly contagious COVID variant, swirling around Kansas City. 

If they could put anything in Kansas City’s collective Christmas stocking this year, it just might be a COVID booster shot. 

They know people are tired of hearing them recommend COVID safety, which includes mask wearing in public despite what your local government leaders say. Some of them feel like a broken record. But they also see first-hand the hospitals full of COVID patients right now and how hard that is on burned-out employees taking care of a seemingly endless parade of unvaccinated patients.

Read the Kansas City Star article: Should you gather for Christmas? How Kansas City area doctors handle their holidays

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