Home Sleep Testing Offered Through Allen County Regional Hospital

Iola, Kansas - Allen County Regional Hospital now offers home sleep testing for patients with suspected obstructive sleep apnea.

Sleep disordered breathing, also known as sleep apnea, is a serious condition in which breathing pauses or becomes shallow during sleep. It is the most diagnosed sleep disorder, estimated to affect more than 1 billion people worldwide. Symptoms of sleep apnea often include snoring and daytime sleepiness.

Quality, restorative sleep is as important to your health as nutrition and exercise. Sleep disorders can adversely affect your health, well-being, and safety. If you are experiencing symptoms and think you may have a sleep disorder, talk to your provider.
Home-based sleep testing is an easy, cost-effective way to figure out if you’re having trouble breathing and is a common first-step when sleep apnea is suspected.

“Being able to offer home sleep testing through Allen County Regional Hospital provides a convenient option for patients to get an accurate diagnosis and treatment with added support,” said Tina Poe, BSN, RN, Interim Associate Chief Nursing Officer/Director of Patient Care Services. “When a patient comes in to pick up the home testing equipment, they’ll meet with a respiratory therapist who will provide detailed, hands-on instructions and answer any questions. Our goal is for patients to feel confident about using the equipment correctly at home.”

Patients must have a referral from their provider for home sleep testing. Once the order is received, the patient will be called to schedule a pickup for the testing equipment from the hospital nearest their home—Allen County Regional Hospital in Iola or Anderson County Hospital in Garnett. The patient performs the test at home and returns the equipment to the hospital.

A board-certified sleep specialist with Saint Luke’s Sleep Disorders Center interprets the results then forwards a report to the referring provider. Depending on the results, additional testing may be recommended.

Saint Luke’s Sleep Disorders Program is a comprehensive, full-service program diagnosing and treating a wide variety of sleep disorders for more than 35 years. In addition to home-based testing, Sleep Centers at Saint Luke’s Hospital of Kansas City, Saint Luke’s North Hospital, and Saint Luke’s East Hospital are accredited by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and provide overnight in-lab sleep testing for more advanced studies.

Learn more about Saint Luke’s Sleep Disorders Program, including home sleep testing available through Allen County Regional Hospital in Iola and Anderson County Hospital in Garnett.