Continuing Excellent Rehabilitation Care

"It’s a way to say thank you for how they helped Peggy, and also a way to help the Rehabilitation Institute continue these fine services that are available for patients.”  — Dale Schwader

Dale and Peggy Schwader considered themselves fortunate. They were married in 1965, and for decades, took an active part in the Kansas City community. The couple had no serious health problems for most of their lives, and when they did need care, they often turned to Saint Luke’s.

Peggy’s cardiologist was there, and Dale had a minor operation at Saint Luke’s. But as she got older, Peggy experienced more issues. A stroke in 2009 affected her walking and balance, and a few years later, she fell and required hospitalization, followed by rehabilitation therapy at Saint Luke’s. That’s when the Schwaders first met Brad Steinle, MD, a board-certified physician in physical medicine and rehabilitation.

"He was very, very good at helping Peggy,” Dale said. “He told us what was going on without beating around the bush.”

Peggy progressed in rehab, but after she’d been there for some time, Dr. Steinle recommended that she transfer back home and
receive care there, feeling that she would do better in her own surroundings. The Schwaders took his suggestion, and for a few
years, Peggy was able to get around the house pretty well. But her health gradually declined, and in January 2022, at age 89,
she passed away peacefully.

After Peggy’s death, Dale remembered the help she had received from Saint Luke’s Rehabilitation Institute, and decided he wanted to donate.

"It was mainly because of Dr. Steinle,” he said. “I feel like he had a whole lot to do with giving Peggy more years. His rehab
suggestions worked out really well, and I really marvel at him for how he did that.”

Dale contacted Saint Luke’s about contributing financially, and set up a donation through his retirement account, which allows
his giving to be tax-free. He’s also structured his donation to recur annually. Upon his own passing, the balance of the account will be distributed to Saint Luke’s as well as to other organizations Dale supports, including the youth organization 4-H, and the Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts.

"It’s a way to say thank you for how they helped Peggy, and also a way to help the Rehabilitation Institute continue these fine
services that are available for patients,” he said.

Support like Dale’s is critical to helping Saint Luke’s pursue our mission. We offer our sincere thanks to Dale for his generosity in
Peggy’s memory.

Learn more about how you can support Saint Luke's Foundation.