TIME: Is Tennis Really the 'World's Healthiest Sport'? We Fact-Checked the Claim

If you’ve been watching any of U.S. Open coverage on ESPN over the past couple of weeks, you’ve probably noticed the graphic sitting on the right of the screen, right off the sideline at Arthur Ashe Stadium: a digital stamp touting tennis as “The World’s Healthiest Sport.” 

But is tennis really the healthiest sport in the world? 

TIME talked to Dr. James O'Keefe, director of preventive cardiology at Saint Luke's Mid America Heart Institute, about research that backs up this claim.

“Social support is the No. 1 predictor of most all health outcomes, including life expectancy,” Dr. O’Keefe said, who co-authored a study that looked at the life expectancy of individuals who played various sports. 

Read the full TIME article: Is Tennis Really the 'World's Healthiest Sport'? We Fact-Checked the Claim

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