Home Care & Hospice South Branch Office Moves to Anderson County Hospital
Garnett, Kansas—Saint Luke’s Home Care & Hospice has moved its south branch office from Ottawa, Kansas, to Anderson County Hospital. The new office is located within the administration office pod near the hospital’s main entrance at 421 S. Maple St. in Garnett, Kansas.
The Saint Luke’s Home Care & Hospice south branch provides administrative support and serves as a home office for clinical team members who serve patients in Allen, Anderson, Bourbon, Coffey, Franklin, Linn, and Miami counties in Kansas, extending into southern parts of Douglas and Johnson counties.
All phone and fax numbers remain the same and there is no impact to home health or home hospice patient care or admissions processing because of the move. Patients and family caregivers served through the south branch office should continue to call 785-448-2753 on weekdays and for on-call weekend and after-hours support.
“This move will create an improved work environment for our staff and a closer relationship with Saint Luke’s Kansas Critical Access Hospitals who serve the same communities,” says Jamie Luark, CNO for the Critical Access Region, Home Health, Hospice, and Clinical Practice.
The new Saint Luke’s Home Care & Hospice south branch office in Garnett is more centralized and adds convenience for many of the care team members who frequently travel to the branch office for meetings and to pick up supplies. Team members also look forward to working more closely with employees at Saint Luke’s two critical access hospitals in Kansas, Anderson County Hospital and Allen County Regional Hospital in nearby Iola, enhancing collaboration and improving the experience for patients as they transition from the hospital to at-home care.
For more than 45 years, Saint Luke’s Home Care & Hospice has set the standard for quality, compassionate services throughout Kansas City and beyond. Saint Luke’s Home Care & Hospice now provides services to more than 25 counties in Missouri and Kansas, with five regional offices and the freestanding Saint Luke’s Hospice House located in midtown Kansas City, Missouri.
To learn more about Saint Luke’s Home Care & Hospice services available in your area, call 816-756-1160 or visit: saintlukeskc.org/hch.