The use of prescription drugs for ADHD has significantly increased in the past few decades. James O'Keefe, MD studies the link between these medications and cardiovascular events.
Exercising is one of the most important parts of the surgical weight loss process. As a patient at Saint Luke’s Center for Surgical Weight Loss, you will work with an exercise physiologist before and after surgery to help you incorporate exercise into your life for the long term and build a healthier you.
Saint Luke’s Hospital of Kansas City ranks No. 2 in Missouri, No. 2 in the Kansas City metro area, and is recognized among the Best Hospitals in northwestern Missouri.
Nestled in the heart of Kansas City near the Country Club Plaza, Saint Luke’s Bishop Spencer Place is a distinguished retirement
community with easy access to culture, cuisine, and adventure in every direction.
What you eat is understandably one of the most important parts of losing weight. Bariatric surgery is a tool to help with weight loss, and a proper diet and nutrition is one factor that makes the tool successful.