Saint Luke's Newsroom

Feb. 13, 2018

KSHB: FAME - Deciphering Nutrition Labels to Eat Healthy

You can use food everyday to help heal your body. Lucas Schubert, Saint Luke's Nutritional Coordinator, is on KSHB talking about how to read and interpret food labels which leads to healthier food choices.
Feb. 13, 2018

KCTV: Valentine's Day Lessons for Kids

Experts at Saint Luke's Crittenton Children's Center says you can use Valentine's Day to teach your kid about healthy love and what it is. 
Feb. 13, 2018

KSHB: Saint Luke's 'mini-hospitals' to open around KC

This new hospital concept is part of Saint Luke’s goal to provide convenient, accessible emergency and inpatient care closer to where people live and work.
Feb. 12, 2018

FOX4: Double Heart Transplant Patient Warns Heart Failure Can Happen to Anyone

Chris Williams has become an honorary member of the Saint Luke's family and it does our hearts good to celebrate another Heart Month with him!
Feb. 12, 2018

KCTV: Married Saint Luke's Doctors Save Lives, Together

As Valentine's Day approaches, we have a local love story that - quite literally - saves lives.
Feb. 9, 2018

McCaskill Addresses Rising Emergency Room Costs at Healthcare Roundtable

Claire McCaskill held a roundtable with local Emergency Department physicians, patient advocates and community health workers aiming to address the rising cost of emergency room care in Missouri and across the country. 
Feb. 9, 2018

KCTV: New Stroke Awareness - BE FAST

One of our patients experienced strange flashes in her eye - like seeing the flash of a camera - that lasted almost a minute.

Feb. 9, 2018

KCTV: Man Finds Love After Heart Transplant

With Valentine's Day right around the corner, love is in the air. The day is also National Organ Donor Day. One man who received the gift of life is excited to celebrate both this year. 
Feb. 6, 2018

KSHB: Are Omega-3 supplements really good for you?

A new study says taking an Omega-3 supplement doesn't help your health. Dr. James O'Keefe says that's not true.