This week we are talking with Colleen Hollestelle, Health Care Administrator at Saint Luke’s Bishop Spencer Place, about things you can look for in your aging loved ones that can signal they might need some extra help.
Dr. Sanuel Wilcox cares for patients of all ages and has special interests in sports medicine, diagnosing and treating musculoskeletal injuries, obesity medicine, and overall community health.
Today we are talking with Matthew Aboudara, MD, Interventional Pulmonologist & Member of the Lung Screening Task Force at Saint Luke’s Health System, about the importance of lung cancer screening, who is eligible, and what the screening entails.
Growing up next to Saint Luke's Hospital of Kansas City, Leah Suttington knew she wanted to be taken to Saint Luke's when she needed emergency heart care.
After being diagnosed with Stage 3 breast cancer and undergoing chemotherapy and radiation treatments, Jesse found her
heart was failing from side effects of chemotherapy.