Kansas City Star: There's a 'Summer Surge' of COVID in Kansas City. See the Data and Latest on New Vaccine

COVID-19 is on the rise once again across the U.S. and in the Kansas City area in what experts are calling a “summer surge” of the virus. But acquired immunity and the availability of antiviral treatments are making this wave more manageable than previous surges. 

Ginny Boos, PhD, the director of infection prevention at Saint Luke’s Health System in Kansas City, noted that while the viral load in local wastewater samples is high, hospitalizations and deaths from COVID-19 remain low. 

“The virus is very contagious and very prevalent in communities across the state, but not in ways that it’s causing people to be hospitalized,” she said. “They (the current strains) don’t cause as much of a severe response.” 

The rise in infections could soon coincide with respiratory illness season as kids return to school and the weather cools down for fall.

Read the full Kansas City Star article: There's a 'Summer Surge' of COVID in Kansas City. See the Data and Latest on New Vaccine

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