Saint Luke's Newsroom

Sep. 26, 2023

Retired Physician Gets Relief from Debilitating Lower Back Pain with Innovative Minimally Invasive Treatment

After suffering from severe lower back pain for more than a decade, David found relief with an innovative treatment at Saint Luke's Pain Management Center.
May. 15, 2023

Missouri Liver Cancer Survivor Gets Life-Changing Transplant

Matt Dickhut jokes he’s never won the Powerball, despite decades of trying his hand. But he did win the lottery. Instead of a big check, his winnings came in the form of a new liver.
Apr. 28, 2023

Lucky Number 879

Brian and Lisa Christianson are thankful for the care team and donor family for Brian's new heart.
Apr. 21, 2023

Giving in Action: John Helzberg

For John Helzberg, MD, giving is a family tradition. And as someone who provides direct patient care, Dr. Helzberg knows the difference that such support can make.
Apr. 21, 2023

Giving in Action: The Making of a Doctor

At Saint Luke’s, our core mission is to provide superior care—and we understand that fulfilling that mission starts with investing in new clinicians.
Apr. 21, 2023

Giving in Action: Supporting Great Care After the Hospital

In 2021, Saint Luke's PATH Fund and our clinical teams helped more than 500 patients receive the rehabilitative services they needed after a hospital stay.
Apr. 21, 2023

Giving in Action: An Unforgettable Journey: National Breast Cancer Foundation

The Koontz Center has cared for hundreds of patients with Stage 4 metastatic breast cancer since its inception in 2016.
Nov. 22, 2022

Caring for Our Neighbors... Literally

Growing up next to Saint Luke's Hospital of Kansas City, Leah Suttington knew she wanted to be taken to Saint Luke's when she needed emergency heart care.
Nov. 22, 2022

Putting the Heart in Cancer Treatment

After being diagnosed with Stage 3 breast cancer and undergoing chemotherapy and radiation treatments, Jesse found her heart was failing from side effects of chemotherapy.