Saint Luke's Newsroom

Jun. 15, 2011

1984 NICU Graduate

I was born at 24 weeks on October 20, 1984, and weighed only 21.5 ounces. My mom said my eyes were still fused close. The doctors at Saint Luke’s Hospital Neonatal Intensive Care Unit told her I had only a 50 percent chance of surviving. (My odds went down to 13 percent when I developed a heart problem three weeks later.) The doctors said if I survived, I would be blind, deaf, and severely retarded.

Jun. 15, 2011

Preeclampsia Baby Thrives in NICU

Saint Luke’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit had just opened when I was born two months early on September 16, 1980. My mom developed preeclampsia, which caused her blood pressure to spike and her entire body to swell.

Apr. 20, 2011

Saint Luke’s East–Lee’s Summit unveils new CT scanner with low-dose radiation technology

Patients needing CT scans at Saint Luke’s East-Lee’s Summit now have access to a new scanner with specialized radiation-reducing technology that produces a more accurate image.
Apr. 20, 2011

Clinical Trial brings C-Pulse Device to Patients in Kansas City

Seabrun “Candy” Hunter is the co-writer of “Rockin’ Rockin’ Boogie,” one of the songs that brought his cousin Little Richard to the Songwriters Hall of Fame. But for the past 10 years, Hunter has had little to sing about.

Apr. 20, 2011

Ablation Treats Atrial Fibrillation

David Hartzler was the epitome of health, then he noticed that he fatigued easily. His wife suggested he see a doctor. That changed everything.
Apr. 15, 2011

Midair Heart Attack Patient Saved

The plane was at cruising altitude: far from its departure point of Albuquerque, N.M., but still about 1,000 miles from its destination of Washington, D.C.

Apr. 12, 2011

Earliest case of heart disease in ancient Egyptian mummies recorded

A study supported by the Saint Luke’s Hospital Foundation and conducted by a U.S.-Egyptian research team has uncovered the earliest documented case of coronary atherosclerosis – a build-up of plaque in the arteries that supply the heart muscle that can result in heart attack – in a princess who died in her early 40’s and lived between 1580 and 1550 B.C.
Mar. 23, 2011

Stepping Out: New Knees Change a Life

Getting around had become nearly unbearable for Clarice McLaughlin. The 75-year-old should’ve been enjoying retirement after years of caring for others as a certified nursing assistant.
Feb. 23, 2011

Saint Luke’s Hospital establishes medical-legal partnership to meet more patient needs

Every few weeks or so, a middle-aged woman makes her way to an emergency room to seek treatment for her asthma attacks. Doctors treat her and prescribe medicine for her. She takes her medicine but her condition does not improve.